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Rather than take you straight to the IBM Web Page for this Redbook, we thought we'd first tell you a little bit about it.  

We're very proud to have been part of the team that wrote this book.  Ever since it was first officially released back in February of 2000, it has been consistently in the top fifteen downloads from the IBM Redbooks Web Site. Quite an achievement for a book about a "dead" language!!

If you click this link we will open a new browser window and take you to the "home" page for this Redbook.  Before you go though a couple of quick points.

When you get to the page, look in the top right hand corner and you should see a section of the window that looks like the example on the left:

In order to download the PDF file to your PC, right mouse click on the PDF link and then select "Save Target As" from the resulting pop-up as shown in the version on the right.  

Once you have downloaded the Redbook you can read it or print all or part of it whenever the mood takes you.

One last point.  In addition to the Redbook itself, you can also download the accompanying library.  This contains all of the sources and everything else you might need to reproduce any and all of the programs in the book, on your own system.  In order to download the library, look for the link "Additional Material".  If you click on that link you will be taken to a page that lists two files: The file "rpgiscool.exe" is a self-extracting zip file that contains the Savefile of the RPGISCOOL library.  The "readme.txt" file contains the instructions needed to upload and install the library on your OS/400 system.  You can simply double-click on the files to download them to your PC.

That's all there is to it. If you like the book, don't forget to let IBM know that we need more books of this type aimed at the RPG community.

Note that we will attempt to keep the links on these pages in sync with IBM, but they do change their web pages quite often. If all else fails, go to the IBM Redbooks main web page and search for "RPG" or perhaps "Who Knew" - you should be able to find the book quite easily.
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